Felix & Alex

May 31, 2025 • Pasadena, MD
98 Days To Go!

Felix & Alex

May 31, 2025 • Pasadena, MD
98 Days To Go!


We thank you so much for even looking and considering getting us a gift! But please don't feel obligated to get us anything. We're just excited for a fun evening with the people we love!

However, if you still want to get us a gift, we picked out a few things we're looking to replace around the house, but really what we want is a trip away. We've set up a cash fund through The Knot instead of packing the registry with items we don't need. If you feel more comfortable you can send money to us on Vemno. Felix's username there is @Felix-Vargish with a last four of 1158.

Thank you again, and we can't wait to celebrate in May

-Felix & Alex